Monday 10 December 2012

My First Instrument

I was 8 years old when I had an urge to try my hand at musical instruments. Since keyboard was the trend those days ( and not guitar as it is today) I persuaded my mom to persuade my dad (the usual familial and familiar chain of persuasion) to let me join keyboard classes. My father was alright with me going for the classes until I began persuading my mom to persuade my dad to buy me a keyboard of my own. Well. this time it did not work. My dad was adamant on not buying me a keyboard. And why?... The keyboard was bigger than me. was i to wait till i outgrew the keyboard?

However it so happened that one evening my father came back from work. I was sitting in my room reading Oliver Twist and before I could turn another page, my dad roared out my name. He usually did so when I had done something to displease him and so I walked to the bedroom where he was standing. He looked at me seriously and asked me what was under the bed. How would I know what was under the bed? Did I dump something under the bed? Anyways, expecting the worst, with a thumping heart, I crouched to see what was it under the bed. It was a huge box, nearly bigger than me. I stretched my arm and tried to slide it towards me and it came so easily. And then I realized - IT WAS A BRAND NEW KEYBOARD!!....A Casio CTK 130. I cried out to my mom. She looked so happy and kept smiling at me radiantly  Thinking about it now, I wonder if she was happy seeing the keyboard that I asked her for, or was she happy to see me so happy. Well, Ill never know that. Anyways, I wouldn't forget my mom and dad watching me uncover the keyboard and dad helping me to install it. My mother kept giving me instructions not to dirty the keyboard and to look after it well and everything. Ever since that day, my keyboard had been an excellent companion to me. 

1 comment:

  1. you should post some videos of you playing keyboard as well...:)
