Thursday 20 December 2012

Farewell is it?

People are saying that there are hardly few more weeks to go before we are done with our under-grads in this college. Its funny, but this statement is disturbing me nonetheless. I believe that this is not something to be sad about (since most people talk about it like its the end of the world). This is life! We are never in one place for our whole life, are we? People who have been living in different cities throughout their lives would understand what I am trying to say. 

According to me, we are all nomads (correct me if otherwise). We can never belong to one particular region, unless we are fortunate to be there from our birth to our death. When I was doing my schooling, I had shifted six times, six different cities. My mom and I, helped to pack and unpack more than 9 houses and in my 3 years of hostel life, I have shifted twice already. Please do not misunderstand that I cannot stick myself to one particular place, for I am a very adaptable person. However, it is the situations that force me to change my locations; my dad's job and so on. And so is it for life. 

You are never fixed to one particular place. Lets see...

What if your town was facing the crisis of being submerged under the rising ocean, or the volcano was about to destroy the whole land; or your entire hometown is being attacked by some random group of people and staying there would be a threat to your family? Would you still continue to live in the same place? Of course not! It may be hard to leave behind all that you acquired during your stay there, but situations make you do things you wished you never had to do. 

And the same theory holds good when it comes to matters of life and death. You are never truly from this Earth. One day we need to leave this life we live and return to our heavenly abode. If so be the case with human beings, why should the last few weeks of college bother someone? Relax... this is life :) 

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