Tuesday 28 July 2015

To The Man with Wings of Fire

It has been a while since I decided to type words into a blank computer screen in order to upload on my blog; but tonight, sitting here in this crammed up room with a false ceiling to hide the asbestos sheet above, I cannot help but do this. It has only been a couple of hours since the demise of the former Indian president. While the world is, at this very moment, posting their condolences on the various social networking sites, I want to pay my own homage, how much ever short it is, to this man that I know and knew nothing about.

Dear Sir

You never knew me. I missed several chances to attend your functions in my life (not that if I attended you would know me). But I want you to know that I always deeply admired you.

Why? I don’t know. Maybe your life story, a portion of which I had to study as a school student actually inspired me. Maybe it is the fact that you had humble origins but raised yourself to the highest position of the land much like the story of Christ. Or perhaps it is the fact that when I see your face, I feel happy for reasons I cannot fathom at this moment. As a young scout, I named my patrol and group after you. I wanted to finish my scouting career with the Rashtrapati Award which I dreamt of receiving from you.

When you did not become the president for a second term, I was disappointed. But then again, I thought that it was time you took a break from such ‘worldly’ matters and focused on your own life and travelling, especially on what you loved to do most – meeting ‘young minds’.

I am not quite sure why I feel my chest is heavy at this moment, but I know this one thing sir – somewhere deep inside, though I know and knew nothing about you, though I have not yet read any of your many books completely, though I have not followed up on your life in the last few years, I could connect to you. Your farewell is much like that of one of my own loved ones. People may term this to be the ‘dark hour’ of India or perhaps ‘a great loss’ for the country, but I believe, you have only gone to a better abode having left this world for us to complete your Vision. May you find peace.

With love and respect

A Fellow Indian 

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